Lyndonville Elementary School is located at 90 Main Street Lyndonville, NY and it serves grades K-4 in Orleans County. This school meets the educational needs for the community of Lyndonville. Instruction in this school is conducted in a manner to foster pride among students and faculty. Striving to incorporate modern technological advancements in instruction as well as administration of the district and to make financial resources available to maintain and improve buildings and grounds, which showcases the community's pride.
Parents of students attending Lyndonville Elementary School are pleased with the enthusiasm seen with teachers and staff. The entire school is enthusiast, which instills the desire to learn throughout the student body. The staff and teachers want the best for each student and strive to work with each student on a personal level to ensure that they are achieving the best education with all available tools and resources.
The staff and teachers at Lyndonville Elementary School create a learning environment that will ensure self-confidence, respect for others, and an appreciation of learning for all students. Along with this, parents, teachers, and staff work together to aid in creating an educational environment where students grow and learn in a safe learning environment.
Lyndonville Elementary School
Lyndonville Central School District
90 Main Street
Lyndonville, NY 14098
Rural, inside CBSA (Rural: Distant)
585-765-3122 (Phone)
Serving Grades: K-4
Principal: Nancy Good
Compare to nearby schools »Kindergarten (Full Day) | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th |
58 | 56 | 59 | 51 | 50 |
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Lyndonville Elementary School - Lyndonville, NY