Wolcott Street School is located at 2-6 Trigon Park in Le Roy, New York. This is the only elementary school providing an education for students in kindergarten through 6th grades.
Wolcott Street School offers a discipline policy that goes by a theme known as “Catching Kids Being Good”. In every classroom for all grades, rules of the class are posted along with the rewards offered for obeying the rules and of course what happens when the rules are disobeyed. Wolcott Street School provides an education with the belief that students that are taught good character at home will also see the same being upheld and reinforced at school. Staff at Wolcott Street School strives to deal considerately and consistently with one another, students while respecting the rights, and feelings of each student, thus the students will learn that rewards come to those with good character.
The character pledge at Wolcott Street School states, “As Oatkan Knights, We are champions of principle. We respect others and ourselves. We are responsible. We strive to make good choices at Wolcott St. School.”
The Wolcott Street School centers on one character trait each month. This trait will be encouraged by staff during the entire month. The character traits included in this mission include responsibility, respect, cooperation, caring, self-control, courage, honesty, fairness, perseverance, and citizenship.
Wolcott Street School
Le Roy Central School District
2-6 Trigon Park
Le Roy, NY 14482
Small Town (Town: Fringe)
585-768-7115 (Phone)
Serving Grades: K-6
Principal: Casey Kosiorek
Compare to nearby schools »Kindergarten (Full Day) | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th |
89 | 94 | 91 | 100 | 96 | 115 | 89 |
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Wolcott Street School - Le Roy, NY