The William S. Hackett Middle School is part of the Albany City School District and its address is 45 Delaware Avenue. Since the school is currently undergoing renovations the temporary location is located at the Philip Schuyler Elementary School at 141 Western Ave. The school's renovation will be complete and students will return for the 2008-2009 school year. Students between the grades of 6 and 8 attend the William S. Hackett Middle School and the school focuses on students no matter their academic ability. In fact, the school is organized especially for students of all skill levels from the most skilled to the most challenged. The school provides an environment that makes growing and maturing academically easier and the staff and location is upbeat and caring.
William S. Hackett Middle School
Albany City School District
45 Delaware Avenue
Albany, NY 12202
Mid-Size City (City: Small)
518-462-7143 (Phone)
518-462-7237 (Fax)
Serving Grades: 6-8
Principal: Kenneth Newman » 518-462-7186
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William S. Hackett Middle School - Albany, NY