Westfield Middle School is located at 203 East Main Street Westfield, NY. This Middle School services the educational needs for the community of Westfield for grades 6 through 8th and it is part of the Westfield Central School District. This middle school works with technology integration and activities that provide opportunities for problem solving, students at the high school level gradually become accountable for their own learning.
Westfield Middle School invites parents to get involved and firmly believes its right, as parents can contribute to the success of the school to help guide the school board to ensure all students receive the best education possible while maintaining a social environment for the students to learn and grow into mature upstanding citizens.
Parents and other people around the community are always welcome to stop in and participate in this event or some of the other activities they do throughout the year.
Students are learning basic educational skills in math, reading, science, social studies, music, art, and computer. Technology is always being advanced here to ensure students can and will achieve their full potential in every field of study and you will their work proudly displayed in hall ways and other places to show their pride.
Westfield Middle School
Westfield Central School District
203 East Main Street
Westfield, NY 14787
Small Town (Town: Distant)
716-326-2151 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 6-8
Principal: Kevin Davenport
Compare to nearby schools »6th | 7th | 8th |
81 | 78 | 66 |
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Westfield Middle School - Westfield, NY