Waterloo Middle School is located at 65 Center Street Waterloo, NY serving grades 6-8 in Seneca County. Waterloo Middle School strives to meet the intellectual and developmental needs of young adolescents. The middle-level educational program has a purpose beyond linking the elementary grades and the high school. Our basic goals are to educate and nurture. They have developed a culture of collective and shared responsibility in which their focus is not only on academics but the development of the social and emotional aspects of the students.
To meet the specific needs of each student, the Waterloo Middle School provides a safe and orderly learning environment that offers a balance between academic, physical, emotional, and social growth. Their anti-bullying program includes a Student Leadership Team comprised of students from each grade. These students are an important part of making the middle school a safe place for all students to learn and grow.
The goal is to provide a course of study that is comprehensive, challenging, purposeful, integrated, and standards-based in which New York State Assessments are administered in ELA and Math for all of our students as well as State Assessments in Science. Social Studies and Foreign Language for grade 8 students; a school that is organized and structured to promote both academic and personal development; teachers who have a thorough understanding of their subjects and of the students they teach, a support system that targets both academic achievement and personal development; and an educational setting that values continuous improvement and ongoing professional learning for both students and parents.
Waterloo Middle School
Waterloo Central School District
65 Center Street
Waterloo, NY 13165
Small Town (Town: Distant)
315-539-1540 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 6-8
Principal: Michael Ferrara
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Waterloo Middle School - Waterloo, NY