Sylvan-Verona Beach Elementary School is located at 6734 Route 13 Verona Beach, NY. This New York public school provides out standing educational opportunities to the local community in Madison County, for grades K through 6. There are several educational programs that are being used with the goal of encouraging the growth and development of every student’s personal interests and capabilities.
The goal is to provide students all the tools necessary to excel academically, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally so they can attain success in all they endeavor. The parents and the community all work together to make key education choices for the students.
The teachers have a passionate tradition for nurturing strong relationships with families and giving all children a quality education. Primary Building School knows that it’s the partnership between staff, parents, and the community that enable the vision to become reality. Sound educational philosophies are applied to provide a constructive, fostering, and enabling atmosphere for an excellent educational environment for all students.
The local community is made up of both friendly and supportive parents that desire a quality education for their children while remaining very active in the Parent Teacher Association strive to ensure that each child can exceed in their learning experience.
Sylvan-Verona Beach Elementary School
Oneida City School District
6734 Route 13
Verona Beach, NY 13162
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Town: Fringe)
315-762-4404 (Phone)
Serving Grades: K-6
Principal: Moira Yardley
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15 | 12 | 15 | 9 | 14 | 18 | 19 |
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Sylvan-Verona Beach Elementary School - Verona Beach, NY