Shoreham-Wading River High School is a college preparatory secondary school that opened its doors in 1975. The high school library is an active state of the art program with 60,000+ volumes and thirty computer stations for information retrieval. This program prides itself on supplying primary source materials and a critical thinking skills curriculum. In 1995, we became one of the first New York State electronic doorways libraries. The library is also equipped with an internet lab. All teachers and counselors serve as personal advisors to approximately 12 to 15 students by grade level. The first ten minutes of every day is dedicated to House Group and additional time during the week is allotted to student-house group teacher conferences and parent contact. This has proven to personalize the high school experience and allows for problems or concerns to be resolved in a more efficient way.
Shoreham-Wading River High School
Shoreham-Wading River Central School District
250A Route 25A
Shoreham, NY 11786
Urban Fringe of a Large City (Suburb: Large)
631-821-8264 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 9-12
Principal: Ismael Colon
Compare to nearby schools »9th | 10th | 11th | 12th | Ungraded Secondary |
232 | 214 | 198 | 192 | 3 |
Number of high school students planning to attend 4 year colleges In New York State | 66 (35%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend 4 year colleges Outside of New York State | 40 (21%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend 2 year colleges In New York State | 59 (31%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend 2 year colleges Outside of New York State | 2 (01%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend Post Secondary institutions In New York State | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend Post Secondary institutions Outside of New York State | 3 (01%) |
Number of high school graduates who plan to enroll in the Military | 2 (01%) |
Number of high school graduates who plan to pursue employment | 15 (01%) |
Number of high school graduates with disabilities who plan to attend vocational rehabilitation programs. | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school graduates with a known plan not specified above. | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school graduates whose plans do not fit the above categories or are unknown. | 0 (0%) |
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Shoreham-Wading River High School - Shoreham, NY