Rensselaer Middle School is located at 555 Broadway Rensselaer, NY and serves grades 6-8. This School community is very active working with all children to provide a foundation for students to reach their maximum potential through comprehensive, exact standards to opportunities to allow children to be independent thinkers, problem solvers, and responsible citizens. There are several educational programs that are being used with the goal of encouraging the growth and development of every student’s personal interests and capabilities. The goal is to provide students all the tools necessary to excel academically, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally so they can attain success in all they endeavor.
Families arriving to the area with school age children will be pleased to hear that the school offers an idea learning environment with small class sizes, positive community support, individual attention, and encouragement which help all students and staff members strive for excellence. The staffs of teachers and other officials work closely with parents and the entire community to provide the best education possible for students.
Coordinator works closely with administration, grade levels, and departments to ensure that curriculum is continually being reviewed, evaluated, and adjusted to meet the needs of students. Additionally, staff analyzes state and local test results as a means of changing curriculum and instruction. Technology integration and activities that provide opportunities for problem solving, students at every grade level gradually become accountable for their own learning.
Rensselaer Middle School
Rensselaer City School District
555 Broadway
Rensselaer, NY 12144
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Suburb: Large)
518-436-8561 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 6-8
Principal: Karen Urbanski
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Rensselaer Middle School - Rensselaer, NY