P.S. 226 staff knows that parental participation within the school and the PTA is an integral part of our children’s success. P.S. 226 honors the students, teachers, support staff, and parents for their desire to work and seek continued improvement for each and every child. The idea is to provide an environment for each student that will fully challenge his or her cognitive, emotional, physical, and social needs. It is imperative to identify what each student knows and what skills he or she can demonstrate. Once this has been accomplished then additional growth will take place. P.S. 226 curriculum, instruction, and assessment are the three main variables that need to be realized in order to provide the most effective teaching/learning environment.
P.S. 226
Nyc Special Schools - District 75
345 East 15Th Street, Room 202
New York, NY 10003
Large City (City: Large)
212-477-5017 (Phone)
Serving Grades: PK, UE
Principal: Dania Cheddie
Compare to nearby schools »Pre-K | Ungraded Elementary | Ungraded Secondary |
24 | 97 | 135 |
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P.S. 226 - New York, NY