Midlakes Middle School is located at 1550 Route 488 Clifton Springs, NY and provides education to grades 6-8 in Ontario County. Enrichment courses offered at the Midlakes Middle School include Art Exploration, Culinary Arts, Digital Photography, Drama, Fitness/Nutrition, History Mysteries, Minds of Boys, Robotics, School Newspaper, and Stock Market.
Enrichment classes are offered to all students and are driven by student interest. These classes are supplemental to students’ schedules and take the place of a study hall. Classes meet two days out of our six-day cycle. They are not graded and offer our students’ the opportunity to expand their knowledge base in an area that interests them.
The Arts are an important and essential part of the education of all students in the Phelps-Clifton Springs Central School District. The Fine Arts Department provides students in Kindergarten through 12th grade with standards-based programming in music and visual arts. In addition, students at the high school are able to study theater arts.
The Midlakes School of the Arts program begins this school year. Over the next few years, programming will be added so that our high school students will have access to sequenced course work in the areas of music, visual arts, dance, theater arts and media arts.
Midlakes Middle School
Phelps-Clifton Springs Central School District
1500 Rt-488
Clifton Springs, NY 14432
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Rural: Fringe)
315-548-6600 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 6-8
Principal: Kathy Demay
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Midlakes Middle School - Clifton Springs, NY