Merton Williams Middle School is located at 200 School Lane Hilton, NY. Grades 7 through 8 attend this school in Monroe County New York. The educational program provides a broad spectrum to meet the needs and talents of the diverse population. The staff and teachers strive to instill self-esteem, respect for others, and the appreciation of learning. Along with this the teachers are committed to a high standard of professionalism while creating an educational atmosphere that is open minded, with values of communication and support.
Students attending this school receive technology education at every academic level through programs that help them discover their technical interests and how to solve technological problems. The staff and teachers supervised under the instructional management of building principals and administrators have high hopes for everyone. Every Student attending Merton Williams Middle School will be taught a challenging curriculum incorporated with state tested approval, which meets national standards.
Merton Williams Middle School is a place where children can excel with all their talents instead of just the basic classes. Students at Merton Williams Middle School enjoy the smaller classrooms while the community works along side the staff and teachers to ensure a safe and secure learning atmosphere.
Merton Williams Middle School
Hilton Central School District
200 School Lane
Hilton, NY 14468
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Suburb: Large)
585-392-1000 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 7-8
Principal: Carol Stehm
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Merton Williams Middle School - Hilton, NY