Lowville Elementary School is located at 7668 North State Street Lowville, NY and provides excellent education opportunities for grades K through 5 for the community of Lowville in Lewis County. One of the wonderful highlights at Lowville Elementary is their reading program in which students will be able to pick and choose from 35,000 special books that are color coded and designed for each and every reading level a child may be. Parents will be pleased to hear that the kindergarten program is free and is available to anyone who resides within the city of Lowville.
All Grades at Lowville Elementary will learn how to express thoughts, ideas, and their individual feelings in a positive way and learn the importance of building relationships with their peers. The school endeavors to provide serious one-on-one involvement for students that are struggling with reading. Additional programs are offered such as the Challenge Program, which is designed to bring a more rich learning over and above the classroom experience. It is a uniform goal to build and enhance pupil’s knowledge and self-esteem and to help them to reach their highest potential.
Kindergarten is a fun and exciting time at Lowville Elementary School. The kindergarten team strives to provide a warm, friendly environment for children to grow. The kindergarten year is a time of change, development and growth. The children learn so much! We use many methods to teach children at their own individual levels. The activities we use, even those that look like “play”, are designed and planned to be developmentally appropriate and to teach the children the skills necessary for success in school.
Lowville Elementary School
Lowville Acad & Central School District
7668 North State Street
Lowville, NY 13367
Small Town (Town: Remote)
315-376-9005 (Phone)
Serving Grades: K-5
Principal: Cheryl R. Steckly
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Lowville Elementary School - Lowville, NY