Ichabod Crane Primary School is located at State Farm Road Valatie, NY. This school accepts students from grades K through 2nd in Columbia County of New York. This Primary School, with a staff of 60 teachers and support staff, provides instruction to 563 students in full-day kindergarten, grades 1 and 2. The instructional day runs from approximately 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Students are transported by a fleet of buses maintained by the district.
The building is organized into four Teaching/Learning Families. Each Family consists of two kindergartens, two first grades and two second grades. Children entering the building will stay within that Teaching/Learning Family for their three years at the Primary School.
Each Family works with the children using the Macmillian Language Arts and Math Series as the core of what is taught in each of those areas. Additionally, some multi-age and enrichment activities are planned by all families at varying intervals.
Students with special needs have a full compendium of service providers to assist them. These include a speech and language therapist, counselors, and remedial reading and math teachers, as well as adaptive physical education, occupational and physical therapy services.
Ichabod Crane Primary School
Kinderhook Central School District
State Farm Road
Valatie, NY 12184
Rural, outside CBSA (Town: Fringe)
518-758-6931 (Phone)
Serving Grades: K-2
Principal: Melissa Murray
Compare to nearby schools »Kindergarten (Full Day) | 1st | 2nd |
150 | 157 | 131 |
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Ichabod Crane Primary School - Valatie, NY