Honeoye Falls-Lima Middle School is located at 619 Quaker Mtnghse Road Honeoye Falls, NY. This New York public school provides educational opportunities to the local community in Monroe County, for grades 6 through 8. Honeoye Falls is a small village located in the most southeastern corner of Monroe County, about thirteen miles from the City of Rochester.
The mission of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Middle School is to “recognize the distinct physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs of middle school students. We work to establish an environment that meets the changing needs of these students, and facilitates the transition between the elementary school and the high school. Our emphasis is on teaching through a team structure, thus enabling us to provide meaningful learning experiences for all of our students.”
Parents with children attending Honeoye Falls-Lima Middle School like the fact the district have small classrooms, caring, dedicated teachers, and the desire of the school for parent involvement. Parents are welcome to visit anytime and even enjoy eating lunch with their child or help in the classroom. The staff and teachers adhere to a quality education and do not allow others to interfere in the educational process such as disruptions.
Honeoye Falls-Lima Middle School
Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School District
619 Quaker Meeting House Rd
Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
Rural, inside CBSA (Rural: Fringe)
585-624-7100 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 6-8
Principal: Shawn Williams
Compare to nearby schools »6th | 7th | 8th |
219 | 240 | 241 |
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Honeoye Falls-Lima Middle School - Honeoye Falls, NY