Homer Junior High School is located at 58 Clinton Street Homer, NY. This school serves the community of Homer for its education needs for grades 7 through 8 in Cortland County, New York. At Homer Junior High School students are recognized in many ways for their special gifts and talents. They can hold offices or be a member of the student council, work in the bookstore, join a school club, or participate in band, chorus, or athletic teams. The honor roll is published in the Cortland Standard after each marking period, and there is an awards assembly the last week of school.
Programs offered at Homer Junior High School include Adventure Based Learning, which is an intermediate class to participate in physical challenge based activities that encourage leadership, develop team skills, and promotes self-esteem. A Positive Citizen program that awards students in the merits for such things as showing a positive and cooperative attitude towards the quality of their work, having a willingness to try and to take risks, use manners, be helpful to classmates, respect school property, use appropriate language, show self control, show academic progress, and show improvement in their behavior.
Along with the basic educational needs of each student, Homer Junior High School works with each student at his or her level to ensure they achieve an education that will prepare them for the road ahead to become productive members of society.
Homer Junior High School
Homer Central School District
58 Clinton Street
Homer, NY 13077
Small Town (Town: Distant)
607-749-1240 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 7-8
Principal: Thomas Turck
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Homer Junior High School - Homer, NY