Highland Falls Elementary School is located at 51 Mountain Avenue Highland Falls, NY providing education for grades PK, 3, 4 in Orange County. The school serves the needs of the small community of Fort Montgomery. Technology integration and activities that provide opportunities for problem solving, students at every grade level gradually become accountable for their own learning. Comprehensive academic programs provide each student with a strong foundation in the core curricula areas of language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science. Additionally, staff analyzes state and local test results as a means of changing curriculum and instruction.
Highland Falls Elementary School adheres to the same principles set forth by the district as well as the other schools along with providing an education that will aid students in becoming leaders in our democratic society and in their community. Teachers and staff work with parents and community leaders to offer the best possible learning environment for the betterment of not only the educational opportunities, but also the pride of living in rural New York. Teachers are devoted to providing an outstanding learning environment where students will be skilled to become victorious in all aspects of their lives whether for higher education or their career.
Highland Falls Elementary School desires students to be safe, engaging environment that values all members of the community and encourages them to pursue their full potential as life-long learners and respectful citizens. Every effort to incorporate literacy learning in all areas of learning: social studies, science, math, health, physical education, and the arts.
Highland Falls Elementary School
Highland Falls Central School District
51 Mountain Avenue
Highland Falls, NY 10928
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Suburb: Large)
845-446-5898 (Phone)
Serving Grades: PK, 3-4
Principal: Christine Armstrong
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Highland Falls Elementary School - Highland Falls, NY