Heathcote School ensures learning technologies are widely and equitably used in every school building to support the engagement of students, teachers, administrators, parents, and the community in helping all students to achieve high standards. Educational technology applications will deepen student engagement and improve student achievement by enabling them to access and analyze information, solve problems, collaborate with others, and communicate their thoughts and ideas. Effective use of learning technologies will allow students to become self-directed, self-motivated and lifelong learners.
Teachers will increasingly be facilitators of student learning through proficient use of learning technologies. All teachers will receive intensive, job-embedded, ongoing professional development in integrating technology into curricula and instruction. Teachers will incorporate high quality information resources in their teaching strategies to address multiple learning.
Heathcote School
Scarsdale Union Free School District
26 Palmer Avenue
Scarsdale, NY 10583
Urban Fringe of a Large City (Suburb: Large)
914-721-2760 (Phone)
Serving Grades: K-5
Principal: Maria Stile
Compare to nearby schools »Kindergarten (Full Day) | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th |
51 | 62 | 66 | 72 | 60 | 73 |
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Heathcote School - Scarsdale, NY