Harrison Avenue Elementary School is located at 480 Harrison Avenue Harrison, NY serving grades K-5 in Westchester County. Harrison Avenue Elementary School serves a diverse, multilingual student population of immigrants to the United States. They seek to provide each student with a language-rich learning experience that moves them to a point where they can read, write and communicate effectively in English and their native language. The students will learn to use their minds well to critically analyze and respond to complex real-world issues. They will use what they learn to become successful academically and professionally and to become advocates for themselves and their communities.
The Harrison Avenue Elementary School community creates an environment in which each is recognized as a unique human being who is treated with dignity and respect. Within each student, teachers foster enthusiasm for learning, pride of accomplishment, self-discipline, self-esteem, and consideration for the ideas and values of others. An appreciation of the privileges and responsibilities of our democratic heritage, as well as an understanding of that heritage, is an integral part of each student's experience.
The PTA actively supports the School organizations and activities that enrich the social, cultural and intellectual life of the School community. The fund improvements directly impact students and their quality of life in the School. The PTA fosters linkages between home and School to enable parents and teachers to work as partners to sustain a positive learning climate and support system for our children. This School is committed to a pursuit of excellence in learning that focuses on the highest potential of each student at every stage of development.
Harrison Avenue Elementary School
Harrison Central School District
480 Harrison Avenue
Harrison, NY 10528
Urban Fringe of a Large City (Suburb: Large)
914-630-3192 (Phone)
Serving Grades: K-5
Principal: Alice Pratt
Compare to nearby schools »Kindergarten (Full Day) | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th |
75 | 98 | 87 | 93 | 86 | 83 |
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Harrison Avenue Elementary School - Harrison, NY