Ginther Elementary School is located at 40 Allen Street Brockport, NY. This New York public school provides out standing educational opportunities to the local community in Monroe County, for grades K through 1.
They are fortunate to have a staff of highly dedicated, knowledgeable, and caring staff members; Ginther offers a variety of differentiated instructional lessons and activities to meet the needs of all our students. They are committed to helping students meet and exceed the New York State standards. Our curriculum offers a multitude of ways to assist children to develop mentally and physically to their fullest potential. They also provide programs to help nurture emotional and social they’ll-being.
They are committed to providing the best education and learning environment to the district’s pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and first-grade students. Ginther School has a long, rich tradition of excellence.
The Ginther School is home to over 600 students and 80 staff members. Our full day Kindergarten Program began over 50 years ago, making our school the first in Monroe County to offer an exclusive early primary program for our young students. Through a Universal grant they had our first pre-kindergarten classroom last year and this year they’re happy to have expanded that program from two to six sessions.
Ginther Elementary School
Brockport Central School District
40 Allen Street
Brockport, NY 14420
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Suburb: Large)
585-637-1830 (Phone)
Serving Grades: K-1
Principal: Rosemary Custer
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Ginther Elementary School - Brockport, NY