Gates-Chili High School is located at 910 Wegman Road Rochester, NY. This public school is situated in Monroe County, New York and provides education for grades 9 through 12 to the Community of Rochester. Gates-Chili High School applies modern teaching methods that are approved by the New York State Board of education to ensure each student receives the best education possible. Gates Chili High School's SIT is composed of three parents, three teachers, three students, one non-instructional staff member and the principal.
The team meets monthly to oversee the implementation of school improvement goals. Consideration is given to educational issues that have a correlation to improved student achievement and also support the annual goals established by the Board of Education and Superintendent. Parental input is always encouraged and valued.
Parent involvement is a big part of Gates-Chili High School. Parents participate in Parent Teacher Student Organization along with the Gates-Chili High School Building Level Planning Team. Both of these wonderful organizations work alongside teachers and the community to ensure every student receive the educational tools and resources needed to achieve success in an ever-changing world.
Gates-Chili High School
Gates-Chili Central School District
910 Wegman Road
Rochester, NY 14624
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Suburb: Large)
585-247-5050 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 9-12
Principal: Timothy Clasgens
Compare to nearby schools »9th | 10th | 11th | 12th |
473 | 440 | 423 | 381 |
Number of high school students planning to attend 4 year colleges In New York State | 144 (41%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend 4 year colleges Outside of New York State | 13 (03%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend 2 year colleges In New York State | 149 (43%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend 2 year colleges Outside of New York State | 4 (01%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend Post Secondary institutions In New York State | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend Post Secondary institutions Outside of New York State | 3 (00%) |
Number of high school graduates who plan to enroll in the Military | 5 (01%) |
Number of high school graduates who plan to pursue employment | 11 (01%) |
Number of high school graduates with disabilities who plan to attend vocational rehabilitation programs. | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school graduates with a known plan not specified above. | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school graduates whose plans do not fit the above categories or are unknown. | 16 (04%) |
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Gates-Chili High School - Rochester, NY