Gansevoort Elementary School is located at 758 West Liberty Street Rome, NY and grades K-4 attend this school in Oneida County, New York. It is an enriching experience working with the dedicated and caring people in the Gansevoort school community. They are a K-4 neighborhood school with an enrollment of 300 children. Most of our students live within walking distance.
Gansevoort School is on the go! Their 3rd annual back to school parade, open house, and community picnic was a huge success. Community members, families, teachers and children coming together to recognize the importance of education, honor community leaders and pay tribute to our children who will one day be the leaders in our community.
It is important to stay involved in your child's education. Our community school meetings are held on the second Monday of every month @ 9:05am. Please consider attending these important meetings to plan activities and programs for children, families and the community.
The community makes the biggest difference in our children's lives when home and school work together to accept nothing less then the best from our students.
Gansevoort Elementary School
Rome City School District
758 West Liberty Street
Rome, NY 13440
Mid-Size City (Town: Fringe)
315-334-5180 (Phone)
Serving Grades: K-4
Principal: Karen Miller
Compare to nearby schools »Kindergarten (Full Day) | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th |
63 | 64 | 62 | 51 | 69 |
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Gansevoort Elementary School - Rome, NY