Fulton Junior High School is located at 129 Curtis Street Fulton, NY and it serves grades 7-8 in Oswego County. They offer many programs that include challenging our students academically, as well as, a variety of extracurricular clubs, modified sports, music, and drama. Their instructional program is built on what is called a “rotating block schedule” that fosters a child-centered school climate. They have three teams at each grade level; red, green, and white (our school colors). This team approach allows our teachers to work together with the same group or “team” of students.
The Fulton Junior High prides itself on the school spirit that our active parent group creates and maintains. They encourage you to get involved with our Parent Group. There is always an opportunity for everyone to lend a hand in many ways, and you will always find a parent to welcome you with a smile! The parents, teachers, students and staff work hard toward building a respectful, responsible and safe environment.
The staff and teachers create a learning environment that will ensure self-confidence, respect for others, and an appreciation of learning for all students. Along with this, parents, teachers, and staff work together to aid in creating an educational environment where students grow and learn in a safe learning environment.
This New York School strives to create a positive school community where every student is given the opportunity to succeed, is encouraged to excel, and are respected as individuals.
Fulton Junior High School
Fulton City School District
129 Curtis Street
Fulton, NY 13069
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Town: Fringe)
315-593-5440 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 7-8
Principal: Donna Parkhurst
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Fulton Junior High School - Fulton, NY