Fred W. Hill School is located at 40 Allen Street Brockport, NY. This New York public school provides out standing educational opportunities to the local community in Monroe County, for grades 3 through 5.
The Hill School is one of three elementary schools in Brockport. They provide a safe, secure environment for 600 fourth and fifth grade students. They have a wonderful staff that plans for and works toward academic excellence for each student. Each teacher truly makes a concerted effort to help every student feel that someone cares and values his or her presence in our school.
They also work toward helping each student grow and develop socially and emotionally. The need for friendships and acceptance among peers is nurtured. A genuine feeling of belonging is a prerequisite to learning and healthy development. They want every student to say, “This is my classroom, this is my school, this is where I belong”.
The Hill School is an extension of the family, where they work together to prepare our students for their place in society. When parents and teachers work as partners, the expectations for students increase and self-confidence soars as children gain the skills that will serve them for a lifetime. They all want to give our children the best opportunity to be successful.
Fred W. Hill School
Brockport Central School District
40 Allen Street
Brockport, NY 14420
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Suburb: Large)
585-637-1850 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 3-5
Principal: Sean Bruno
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Fred W. Hill School - Brockport, NY