Food and Finance High School has culinary program with academic classes helps the school meet the higher standards of the federal No Child Left Behind law. Other schools around the country are considering similar curriculums, through Culinary Arts Program, which helps prepare poor and minority children for food industry jobs and has trained teachers at the school. The school is an experiment in the city’s efforts to create more small schools and is part of the national movement to elevate culinary training. Children in any one class will show a wide range of ability, attainment and learning styles, and it is difficult to cater for all their needs if a common program is followed. Children acquire an understanding of mathematical ideas in an uneven and individual way. The issue of readiness is therefore crucial when planning, teaching and assessing the mathematics program. It is important to build on the child’s previously acquired knowledge, and periods of frequent revision are essential.
Food And Finance High School
New York City District # 2
525 West 50Th Street
New York, NY 10019
Large City (City: Large)
212-586-2943 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 9-10
Principal: Roger E. Turgeon
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Food And Finance High School - New York, NY