Deposit Elementary School is located at 171 Second Street Deposit, NY. Parents will be pleased to know that this school believes that it is of the up-most importance to help young students develop both socially and emotionally as well as scholastically. Apart from the staff, you will find this school has a psychologist and a social worker that assists in the development of its students. Deposit Elementary School is always looking for the best way to provide individual teaching methods that will best suite each and every student’s ability to comprehend and learn. This small community is made up of both friendly and supportive parents that desire a quality education for their children while remaining very active in the Parent Teacher Association to ensure that each child can exceed in their learning experience.
Deposit Elementary School
Deposit Central School District
171 Second Street
Deposit, NY 13754
Rural, outside CBSA (Rural: Distant)
607-467-2198 (Phone)
607-467-4495 (Fax)
Serving Grades: K-5, UE
Principal: Denise Cook
Compare to nearby schools »Kindergarten (Full Day) | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | Ungraded Elementary |
46 | 59 | 51 | 46 | 42 | 44 | 4 |
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Deposit Elementary School - Deposit, NY