Craig Hill Elementary School is located at 320 West Craig Hill Drive Rochester, NY. The school offers grades 3-5 and serves the Community of Rochester, New York, in Monroe County. The staff, students and parents are very proud of Craig Hill Elementary School and feel they have a great deal to offer students to make their middle school experience a successful one!
School officials have high expectations for students and hope that through the four years at Craig Hill Elementary School, they will walk away with a solid foundation to go on to their high school experience and beyond. The teachers are all content certified by New York State and are very knowledgeable and skilled in their respective fields and enjoy working with adolescents.
The School actively works with various goals for ensuring the best education while providing a safe nurturing environment for all students in the district. Goals include financial, instructional, facilities, personnel, and community. With all staff, teachers, administrators, parents, and the community working together Catskill Middle School endeavors to prepare students for life.
Craig Hill Elementary School
Greece Central School District
320 West Craig Hill Drive
Rochester, NY 14626
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Suburb: Large)
585-966-4500 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 3-5
Principal: Melissa Pacelli
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Craig Hill Elementary School - Rochester, NY