Cincinnatus Middle School is located at 2809 Cincinnatus Road in Cincinnatus, New York and provides quality educational opportunities for students in grades fifth through eighth. The teachers and staff know how hard these transitional years can be from elementary to high school. Because of this, their caring and nurturing environment promotes not only educational opportunities, but social and emotional well being as well.
Cincinnatus Middle School is the only middle school in Cincinnatus providing students the chance to leave elementary school and travel through middle school and onward to high school with the same classmates. This provides the students with a secure environment where they can grow and learn in a small town atmosphere, which will prepare them for the rest of their school days and onward to higher education or their career.
Cincinnatus Middle School stands by the principles set forth by the district and promotes the growth of every student through a learning environment where each person can become understanding, responsible, and productive citizens in an ever-changing world.
Students are ready for higher education after completing their school years at Cincinnatus Middle School, which also instills the desire to learn that will remain with them throughout their lives.
Cincinnatus Middle School
Cincinnatus Central School District
2809 Cincinnatus Road
Cincinnatus, NY 13040
Rural, outside CBSA (Rural: Distant)
607-863-3200 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 5-8
Principal: Joseph Mack
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Cincinnatus Middle School - Cincinnatus, NY