Churchville-Chili Middle School is located at 139 Fairbanks Road Churchville, NY. This New York public school provides out standing educational opportunities to the local community in Monroe County, for grades 5 through 6. Churchville-Chili Middle School helps fifth and sixth grade students make the transition from the elementary school to the junior high school. At the Intermediate School, teachers work together on teams. Each team consists of two teachers and 50 students.
This teaching style gives teachers the opportunity to know each student’s strengths and needs. The teachers concentrate on four subjects: English Language Arts, math, science and social studies. Teachers make every attempt is made to incorporate literacy learning in all areas of learning: social studies, science, math, health, physical education, and the arts. The school works alongside staff, parents, and students to achieve greater success in all fields of study while providing a friendly atmosphere for students to learn.
Most every year this school receives excellent State Education Department School Report Cards. Student test results are consistently among the top in every academic area. The Local community continues to supports programs such as the local library, local churches, and community service organizations. The community spirit has promoted a sense of commitment to the school district, which serves as a community center and a source of pride for all.
Churchville-Chili Middle School
Churchville-Chili Central School District
139 Fairbanks Road
Churchville, NY 14428
Rural, inside CBSA (Rural: Fringe)
585-293-4542 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 5-6
Principal: John Bellini
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Churchville-Chili Middle School - Churchville, NY