Bolivar Road Elementary School is located at 6983 Bolivar Road Chittenango, NY. This New York public school provides out standing educational opportunities to the local community in Madison County, for grades 3 through 5. A computer lab and networked pods of computers in every classroom are an integral part of their program.
The Bolivar Road Elementary School program is strongly committed to child-centered education, heterogeneous grouping, integrated language arts, and multi-disciplinary instruction. Aggressive mainstreaming of special education students, clustering of students to maximize in-class remediation and instruction, partnerships with community resources, and team and collaborative planning for instruction are also vital elements of the elementary program. Art, music, technology, and physical education are integral aspects of the program. Full-time Library Media Specialists’ services are provided in each building and support classroom instruction. Elementary class size averages approximately 21.
Staff, teachers, parents, and the community of Bolivar Road Elementary School strive to provide the best in educational resources and tools along with a concerned staff that work for the betterment of not only the educational opportunities but the pride of living in rural New York. Teachers are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment where students will learn and grow to become successful in all their endeavors throughout life.
Bolivar Road Elementary School
Chittenango Central School District
6983 Bolivar Road
Chittenango, NY 13037
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Town: Fringe)
315-687-2684 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 3-5
Principal: Arnold Merola » 315-687-2882
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Bolivar Road Elementary School - Chittenango, NY