Barclay Elementary School is located at 40 Allen Street Brockport, NY. This New York public school provides out standing educational opportunities to the local community in Monroe County, for grades 2 through 3.
The Barclay School is one of three elementary schools located on the Brockport Central School campus. The Barclay School houses just less than 600 second- and third-grade students. A dedicated caring staff of teachers makes it their personal responsibility to help every student realize their potential to learn. Teachers offer differentiated lessons and high interest activities in an effort to meet every student’s needs. The addition of a new computer lab with 24 workstations greatly expands the range of tools and learning experiences for the students.
Barclay School staff strives to make every child's day enjoyable and educational.
Parent Information night is held each year to share with parents the curriculum and state standards that will be the focus of the school year. Barclay School teachers welcome parent volunteers in their classrooms. Family Math Night is an annual event to be enjoyed by the whole family. The Barclay School PTSA is very supportive in providing special programs and events for students and their families throughout the school year. Students look forward to Field Day held in June. All second and third grade classes participate in outdoor games and a school picnic organized by our physical education staff. Families are welcome to join us for this great end of the school year event.
Barclay Elementary School
Brockport Central School District
40 Allen Street
Brockport, NY 14420
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Suburb: Large)
585-637-1840 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 2-3
Principal: Rhonda Steffen
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Barclay Elementary School - Brockport, NY