Allen Road Elementary School is located at 803 Allen Road North Syracuse, NY and provides education for grades K-4 in Onondaga County. Allen Road is one of six elementary schools in the North Syracuse Central School District.
Built in 1953, our school underwent renovation in 1999-2000. With smaller class sizes, we are proud to provide a safe and modern learning environment with caring and supportive staff. In addition, our focus on well aligned curriculum, extensive support programs, and exemplar classroom instructional practice result in Allen Road Elementary students performing very well on state and local assessments.
Allen Road Elementary School building is fortunate to have the support of a wonderful Parent Teacher Organization. Their contribution to our students and staff is invaluable. Sponsoring events that enhance the academic and social growth of our student population, our parents are an integral part of our building on a daily basis. Please take a few moments to wander through our web site to get a glimpse of the many programs and resources it offers.
The teachers, staff, and administration are dedicated professionals that assist students in reaching their full potential. Not only are they dedicated but are available for extra assistance if and when needed.
Allen Road Elementary School
North Syracuse Central School District
803 Allen Road
North Syracuse, NY 13212
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Suburb: Large)
315-218-2300 (Phone)
Serving Grades: K-4, UE
Principal: David Lunden
Compare to nearby schools »Kindergarten (Half Day) | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | Ungraded Elementary |
94 | 104 | 102 | 91 | 106 | 14 |
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Allen Road Elementary School - North Syracuse, NY