There are three different magnet elementary schools in the City School District of Albany and the Albany School of Humanities is one of them. This school serves grades pre-k through sixth grade. This magnet school is different from traditional schools because it focuses on an education steeped in the humanities. This includes teaching children from many cultures literature, art, language, drama, government, dance, music, and more. All grades at the Albany School of Humanities take a Spanish class and this assists in learning a second language as well as increases student interest in another language. Another language that is part of the curriculum is Chinese and classes are given on this Asian language and its culture.
The Albany School of Humanities has some outstanding goals, which include but are not limited to the following. The first goal is to increase the percentage of students who are capable of speaking, writing, listening, and reading at their grade level. Another goal is to decrease the rate of suspension and the goal is to reduce the number to one percent or less. The magnet goal also strives to teach students math so more will test at grade level.
Parents interested in sending their child to the magnet school should learn more about the application process by calling the district Magnet Office. This will be informative and guide a parent to make the right decision for their child’s education.
Albany School Of Humanities
Albany City School District
108 Whitehall Road
Albany, NY 12209
Mid-Size City (City: Small)
518-462-7258 (Phone)
518-462-7265 (Fax)
Serving Grades: PK-6, UE
Principal: Rosalyn Wallace
Compare to nearby schools »Pre-K | Kindergarten (Full Day) | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | Ungraded Elementary |
18 | 62 | 66 | 68 | 68 | 79 | 84 | 91 | 47 |
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Albany School Of Humanities - Albany, NY