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Working With a Guidance Counselor

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Parents hope that their children can get through school without needing the services of a guidance counselor for anything but college planning. However, that is not always possible. Kids may end up needing to see the guidance counselor for a variety of reasons.

Remember that the guidance counselor is there to help, it is their job to act in the best interest of the students. Use the services of the guidance counselor when your child is having a problem in school that merits attention. School counselors are knowledgeable on school rules and can be of great use when you have an issue that needs attention.

Try not to be defensive if the guidance counselor contacts you about a problem with your child. Keep an open mind and remember they are contacting you in an effort to help you resolve the situation with your child. Meet with the school counselor if you feel it would benefit the situation and keep in touch with the counselor after the initial meeting or call to make sure the situation has resolved itself.

Once your child is ready to start thinking about college meet with your child’s counselor to use their expertise in this arena. The counselor can make suggestions about the applications process that can be invaluable and even suggest classes your child can take in high school to improve the likelihood of acceptance. The guidance counselor is a child’s best resource for getting in to the college of their choice.

School counselors are there to provide your children with the emotional and academic support they need to successfully graduate school and move on to college. Guidance counselors are only called upon to resolve a situation with your child when it is necessary. Having an open mind and remembering the function of your child’s guidance counselor will help you navigate any interactions you have with them and it can only be beneficial to your child.

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